Truman ~ In Memoriam

truman_couchWe were very saddened to hear of the passing of Truman, but also so very grateful that his perfect adopter had come along almost three years ago and provided him with nothing short of a wonderful life.Truman had extreme separation anxiety, but Ashley was determined to work with him as he could see this big, beautiful GSP was truly something very special. Ashley tried many things, but eventually adapted his own lifestyle to suit Truman's needs. He made sure Truman was never without human company. He traveled with Truman, took him to work, sent him to doggy daycare when needed, and had an assistant who kept Truman company if he could not.  Ashley and Truman were best friends and Ashley was Truman's, and our, hero.Ashley recently wrote us, "Just wanted to reach out and let you know we lost Truman this evening. Last week I found out he had a late stage lymphoma and tonight I decided it was time to let him go. I was lucky that he was able to pass peacefully at home with his head in my lap. I got to have one last week with him doing all the things he loved. We spent the weekend in Malibu, one of his favorite places to watch birds and walk on the beach. The three years I had with him were so special and he was my best friend and constant companion. He will be missed more than you will ever know... Thank you so much for bringing him into my life!"You can follow Truman's journey here. 


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