Trixie Is Safe



Trixie was at a local shelter that does an excellent job screening interested parties who want to adopt their dogs, and Trixie had several interested parties that wanted to adopt her. The day she became available, several potential adopters showed up. Shelters have a few different methods of choosing who gets to adopt a dog when more than one person shows up. The Shelter that had Trixie held a raffle.

Keep in mind that interest in adopting young purebred dogs from shelters, like Trixie, can be overwhelming. While other older dogs languish for attention in their kennels, younger dogs need to do little more than look up at a curious family to get a chorus of oohs and ahhs. This Shelter required all interested parties to apply in hopes of selecting the best-suited home before entering their name in the raffle.

When the winning applicant was drawn for Trixie, the eager adopter patiently waited as one of the kennel attendants went to collect her. Bringing her to the front, she behaved like most young GSP’s, excited and pulling on the leash. The concern in the faces of the adopters was apparent as they exclaimed, "we didn't think she was this active!"

Yes, the winning family who only moments before was in love with this young German Shorthaired Pointer now had the where with all to see she was not the right dog. The family was outmatched before even loading her in the car.

The Shelter went through the other applicants and grew concerned that most lived in apartments or didn't have the time to give an active breed. A walk around the block a couple of times a week would not work for this little girl.

After seeing the applicants, the Rescue Coordinator realized a breed-specific rescue would be the best bet for Trixie and reached out to California GSP Rescue. Knowing the interest in adopting young GSP’s the past several months had skyrocketed, California GSP Rescue was confident they could find her a forever home. California GSP Rescue made arrangements with the Rescue Coordinator to pull and transport Trixie. She was safe once again, and one step closer to her forever home.

A big thanks to Volunteer David, who cleared everything from his schedule to help transport Trixie. As you are reading this, know that Trixie very likely has already been adopted and is in her forever home. We encourage you to submit an application and consider a slightly older adult GSP or even a Senior GSP - one of the dogs often overlooked, but with just as much love to give.

If you would like to learn more about how you can help support California GSP Rescue's efforts, please click here and consider becoming a Rescue Hero.


In Loving Memory Of Dooley


In Loving Memory Of Winston