Tobey adoption update

Back in July, Chris adopted Tobey, an adult GSP. He recently sent the following update, "I wanted to give you a follow up and send a few recent pictures of Tobey. He is doing great and has settled in to his new surroundings. He is getting more endurance (as I am too!)  with our daily runs. He likes to swim and is getting much stronger and more confident in the water.   He has not been aggressive to any one or any other dogs in the six weeks I have had him,  and does well with small and large dogs just fine.   I was a bit concerned at first about adopting an older dog but at 7.5 years of age he is not done playing by any means.  Just wanted to let you know all is well." A big thanks to Chris for taking a chance and adopting an adult GSP!


Kellie is Happy


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