Tiny is Safe! Update

Tiny_CAGSP040114w64Thanks to everyone that commented and shared our Tiny is Safe post yesterday (April 1st) and we apologize to anyone that fell hard for the April Fools joke. (Yes, we did receive a few adoption applications for Tiny). We are thankful there aren’t any Pocket GSPs (PGSPs) being bred or available for rescue when there are so many great GSPs available on our website as well as in GSP Rescues across the country. Not all great GSPs come cute small and cuddly. Most are full grown and some may even be graying. Some great GSPs may have medical issues or lack a little training - like uncut diamonds no one has yet to see their beauty. We encourage you to look beyond appearance and make a commitment to help rescue a GSP that hasn’t yet reached their greatness. You’ll find several on our website. Thanks to Volunteer Dan for lending his skills to help turn a few photos that grabbed the attention of many; Volunteer Cory for assisting with the photo shoot; and our very own Otto, the model, who may not be as small as Tiny but is as every bit as beautiful.Yesterday California GSP Rescue was notified of a little GSP at a shelter needing to be rescued. Literally a little GSP. Within minutes of receiving notification there was a GSP in need, a message was sent to one of our volunteers that just received their pilot's license for drone aircraft and, just like Amazon's futuristic plans, a drone was dispatched to the shelter. In less than thirty minutes, Tiny was rescued and was one step closer to his forever home.A little more about Tiny. Tiny is a purebred papered German Shorthaired Pointer that was given up because the family could no longer keep him contained and safe in their house or yard. They had "lost" him several times inside the house and later found him in drawers & cabinets left open, behind the refrigerator, and one time inside the clothes dryer. Several times he had chewed the erasers off of pencils which was most annoying but was most likely from being bored and not getting enough exercise. In addition, there was a growing concern the family cat was going to eat Tiny. The family admitted that when they first got him, the thought because of his size, he would only need a “little exercise” and later found he needed more exercise than they had imagined or could give him.The family turned over his AKC papers to the shelter who in turn sent them with Tiny. After doing a little research, we found out that Tiny is from a line of smaller framed GSPs but while the Sire and Dame weighed in at around 40 lbs, Tiny is a just around 4 lbs. Fortunately, Tiny was from a litter of just one and we are relieved to announce there isn't a line of designer Miniature GSPs.California GSP Rescue will be looking for a family that can provide a safe environment for Tiny as well as seeing he gets the exercise (not just a little exercise), and the training he needs. He's small enough that we're looking for someone that might be able to take him to work and think he might be a great ambassador for creating a dog friendly work environment.We'll have more information about Tiny in the coming days. Be sure to check back soon! 


America's Family Pet Expo 2014!


Matrix - They said to Foster an Adult Dog!