Things We've Noticed about Fozzy

fozzy_faceFozzy is a work in progress...but aren't we all?  Dogs are like people and none are perfect.  Fozzy's not perfect but he certainly moves forward in his training regularly.In his foster home he is affectionate and attached to his people including two adults, a young person and two foster dog siblings.He enjoys his foster four legged sister and brother and plays regularly with them. He is not often far from his people whether in the shower or in the yard.  He is as quirky in the best of GSP ways:

  • Fozzy loves hair products.  Any time his foster family switches shampoo or face cream, we are sure to get "smeared" by Fozzy.  He loves to rub the smell of any new creams or face products all over his head.  For his people, that means a full rub of Fozzy's face on your face or head if you sit down too close to him.
  • Fozzy is a Fred Astaire on a walk.  He will walk and "twirl" as though he is dancing. Invited guests to the house that wear anything he considers "soft" will get a full Fozzy rub down
  • Fozzy has a strong desire to be touching you and not just near you.
  • Fozzy can talk.  He will tell you just where any tennis ball is, when he wants you to turn the fireplace on, when his water bowl is too low and needs to be refilled, etc.  It is you that has to pay attention to what he is "saying".
  • Fozzy sits on your feet.  Again he likes to touch as much as possible and I assume this relates to his being able to touch you.
  • Fozzy loves to play "catch" but not fetch.  He will catch a tennis ball in the middle of the field and let another dog bring it in to the people.  He man's the outfield like the best of any major league baseball players.
  • Fozzy loves to "beso".  He sits down next to you and if you get down near his face he will kiss you over and over.
  • Fozzy loves a tennis ball.  He also loves to help take the Christmas tree down in the home as it is covered in a hundred "tennis balls".

He is a love of a dog for the home that will continue the training that Fozzy needs and will keep Fozzy moving forward.Learn more about Fozzy here.


In Memoriam...remembering Duke


Meet Scout!