The 12 Dogs of Christmas

Between now and Christmas, California GSP Rescue will be celebrating the Twelve Dogs of Christmas. Each day we will be bringing you a post of a not so traditional gift but one that will make you, hopefully, smile with delight. It is our intention to bring attention to several dogs needing homes.If you like the post, in an effort to help find loving families, please share the posts on your Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, or any other social media site. Of course, if you can find a place in your heart and home to adopt one of the GSPs in need, we invite you to fill out an adoption application with us.We hope you enjoy these posts, and this holiday, please remember the German Shorthaired Pointers and other dogs we are caring for, until we can find their forever homes.Last but certainly not least, please consider supporting our efforts by making a tax deductible donation to our all volunteer non-profit organization.


12 Dogs of Christmas - Rocko


Spot is safe!