Tex is Adopted!

Tex_Bruce_Wendi_DSC_0287w64Some dogs can take longer to find the right home - such was the case with Tex. At 9, he was older than most people apply for, and we believed he needed a home with no other dogs. So we waited for the right applicant, and tried to remind a few that 9 in GSP years is not old!When a dog has to wait a long time for his forever home, we all hope for an extra, extra special home where he can be the center of attention and make up for lost time; boy did Tex find that with Wendi and Bruce! Since taking him home, they have showered him with love, attention, treats, toys and a place anywhere on the couch - or their laps - that he likes! They've taken him on big hikes, play lots of fetch, and even found out he doesn't seem to mind the other dogs he encounters.We couldn't be more thrilled for Tex - or Wendi and Bruce 'cause they have a GREAT dog! 


Meet Jasper!


Meet Jezebel!