Sweet Nellie

We volunteers, much like parents, try not to have favorites. After all, every one of these "children" in our care are special! I think we'd have to admit that a few dogs always stand out with us, though. Nellie (Chenelle) is one of those dogs. She's been with us longer because she is a mix, so we have had the pleasure of getting to know her well. She is a big dog - but oh so gentle. She's an adult - but oh so playful.Nellie is pictured here with Cindy, one of her many volunteer-friends. Cindy and the other volunteers hope Nellie will find someone who recognizes all of her incredible qualities, and open up their heart to give her the forever home she deserves very soon!Click here to learn more about Nellie or complete an application to meet her!


Anna will make you her world


Affectionate Dixie