Simon is Waiting

Simon ready GSP DistemperSimon needs a forever home – he has waited long enough! His wonderful foster family has prepared him for this for four months now and now he is no longer waiting but ready! Simon is a remarkable 2 year old purebred GSP. This beautiful black and white shorthair has thrived in his foster home and come a long way from the dog we first rescued from the shelter. He is good with the three other dogs he lives with. He is crate trained. He knows "sit" and "stay" when he's not too distracted (after all, he IS a 2 year old GSP!). He is even good on a leash, good enough for the foster families young son to walk him! With an experienced owner, he may even be able to live with a cat.So, why on earth would we still have this adorable boy? Well, it took a little time to figure him out. When he first came to the Rescue, he would circle the volunteers, seemed to favor one rear leg, and appeared to have impaired vision in one eye. Despite that, we knew Simon was pure GSP by the way he loved to chase the ball! We started our journey with Simon with a visit to an ophthalmologist. Luckily, there was no injury or structural damage to his eye and she suggested he might just have difficulty processing what was in his peripheral vision. Then we noticed that Simon would circle us mostly when very excited, or stressed, so we began to look for a foster home where he could relax and we could uncover the real Simon. Michelle, Joaquin, Tyler and their three dogs welcomed Simon into their home. They researched supplements to help him, helped him even out his gait, and gave him a routine which comforted him. Soon, Simon was loosing his "quirks" and showing more of his GSP character - following his foster mom around all day, wanting to be near the family as much as possible, and showing off how smart he is by learning a few tricks (you'll have to watch the video for one adorable trick!). Only in times of extreme stress (like the recent storms) did Simon revert to pacing in circles. With a little brain-storming, we discovered a Thunder Shirt helped him to calm down - and he looked darn cute in it!Simon is a very special, very sweet young GSP - and he's ready for his forever home! Click here to learn more about Simon!


Meet Simon - Again!


Update on Riley