Simon Is Safe!

Simon A3488182Simon showed up in a shelter out of our normal area we serve several weeks ago. Initially the shelter had some health concerns whether he had vision in both eyes. Any type of health concerns a shelter might have are much bigger concerns for California GSP Rescue as the dogs can be deemed un-adoptable and put to sleep. Fortunately for Simon, Robin with English Springer Rescue and Volunteer and Rescuer Fred were able to free Simon from the shelter and provide him with a safe place until transportation could be arranged.The shelter was a several hour drive from us and when we started canvasing volunteers that might be able to assist, Volunteer Jeff made arrangements to meet Volunteer Andrea, who had agreed to help transport from where Simon was being kept, somewhere in between. With each driving several hours round trip, a little less than two weeks ago, Simon made it to California GSP Rescue and one step closer to his forever home.California GSP Rescue will be evaluating Simon's personality as well as his eyesight and any other health issues he might have. Very soon we are looking to have better knowledge of this beautiful boy and have him available for adoption.A huge thanks to Robin, Fred, Andrea, & Jeff for playing such a big part in seeing this boy made it to safety! 


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