Sheldon loves the water!

Volunteer Paige splashes the water for Sheldon to chase. Here he is focused on the stick and waits for the first splash. The other dogs aren't quite as excited about the splashing water. This past Saturday, Volunteer Andrea after working with Sheldon wrote," when I walked him I tested him a couple of times and asked him to sit.  He did it almost immediately...I had no treat so it was just him being good.  I also noticed that he does not like to be gone from the field.  Every time we walked by the field he would work as hard as he could to get back to the field or his home.  I think he is truly going to be a good and loyal dog for someone that is willing to put in a bit of work for a good year +/- making up for the attention he may not have had early on. Click here to learn more about Sheldon.


Finn gets adopted!


Lily Foster Update