Sheldon finds a home!

We believe that there is a family for each of the dogs that we rescue.  Sheldon has been at the rescue and had been overlooked many times because of his high activity level until he went to a foster home where it was discovered that Sheldon was quite the companion.  We found that being with people helped him release some of his activity needs.  A short time later, along comes Stacy and her family, an active group, who wanted an active dog that could be part of their day to day lives.  We're happy to report that Sheldon went home this past Saturday with Stacy and she reports that "he is amazing."  All of us volunteers at the rescue knew Sheldon's potential and are so grateful that Stacy and her family recognized this in Sheldon.


Torreyanna (aka Cookie) update


Dog keeps watch over fallen SEAL’s casket during funeral