Sheldon - An Update Two Years Later

sheldon Sept 2013 2w64We love hearing about our adopted dogs especially the ones like Sheldon that have brought so much joy into his adoptive family's home. Stacy, his adopter, sent us the following update:"We can't thank you enough for taking care of him and helping him find his way to us. As crazy as he was as a pup, he has really grown into a loving, loyal, well-behaved GSP (unless there's water coming from a hose, but that's another topic). Our family has been a hundred times more joyful since bringing him home--we laugh hard everyday! What a character this guy is.But for all the comedy and energy, he is also the sweetest, most gentle dog. With the exception of one stuffed animal losing a mustache, Sheldon has never been destructive in our home. He patiently puts up with the elaborate costumes my daughter designs for him and always remains so gentle with the kids. What a good dog!He still needs a looong hike and a bunch of tennis balls, but we enjoy sharing that time with him. He is truly the love of our lives and we can't imagine a better dog for our family (in spite of his much-deserved prior reputation!).We hope everything's going well down at the rescue--hoping to get there for a visit. We frequently check out the website and drool over the dogs. Maybe some day..."


Hilde is Adopted!


Meet Ptarmigan!