Sassy is Adopted - something to be thankful for!

Sassy_Tucker_John_Patricia_DSC_0655w64In any adoption, there are many people to thank for making it happen - Sassy's adoption is no different. We are thankful to her former owners for seeking out the rescue, instead of taking the easy way out and dropping her at a shelter. We are thankful for the folks at the kennel who cared for her each day, gave her much needed walks, and took the time for a few pets and hugs. We are thankful for the volunteers who photographed her, put her on the website, and kept track of her information to pass on to the new owners. We are thankful for the volunteers who work with the dogs each week to learn more about them and show them to potential adopters. We are thankful to the many, many folks who share our stories and our dogs as they help get the word out.  We are thankful for those who help us financially so that we are able to pay for veterinary care and food.  And, of course, we are thankful for the people who adopt; some who come back time and time again, some who wait patiently for the right match, and those who put their trust in the volunteers to find them a good match for their family.Finally, all of us at GSP Rescue are thankful for the updates from our adopters, such as this one from Patricia and John, Sassy's new mom and dad, " She walked into the house like she had always been here.  She and Tucker are the best of friends, no aggression or problems at all.   They share toys and play well together.  She is a joy.  You are amazing people and do a wonderful job, helping dogs  meet the right people to adopt them."


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