Sage is Safe!

Sage_A1555791Last Saturday as things were winding down in the training field and everyone was getting ready to leave, we were notified about an injured GSP in a local shelter that needed immediate attention. Volunteer Lisa didn't need to be asked twice, she was on her way, aware that injured dogs in shelters are quick to be put to sleep.While it was unfortunate how Sage came to the shelter, as she had been hit by a car, she was lucky we were able to respond so quickly. Once Sage had been picked up and was safe, she was taken to our Vet, Dr Kang, who performed the necessary surgery. We are now happy to report Sage is safe!There will be more on Sage and her surgery in a a later post - as an all volunteer not for profit organization, we rely on everyone's help when unforeseen medical bills arise.A big thanks to Volunteer Lisa for making the trip to the shelter to rescue Sage. Look for more post to share and like on Sage in the near future.




Charlotte is Adopted!