Sage is Adopted

Shortly after loosingSage_John_Linda_DSC_3966w64 their beloved GSP, Linda and John knew they needed to have another in their lives. We knew their home would be perfect for Sage, and we hoped she would be perfect for them, too!  Upon meeting her, the decision took very little time - she would go home with them!We recently received this lovely update, "We are very happy to say that she seems to be adjusting to her new surroundings quite well.  Each day we are more impressed with her responses to us... We have taken her to the Lake a couple of times and discovered that she loves the water, especially when there are ducks to try and catch just off shore.  She loved being able to run along the beach full speed and go in and out of the water.  We have also noticed that she really does not like squirrels.  When she sees one in our yard through our big windows, she kind of goes nuts...really wants to get out there and chase them.  It is very funny to watch her prance from living room to kitchen window with so much enthusiasm."Thank you, Linda and John, for bringing Sage into your home - and tell the squirrels we are sorry!




Duke - Handsome and Loveable