Sadie "No regrets"

Sadie on the trailSaturday Sadie visited the rescue for training and the first thing that her adopter Emily said was "we have no regrets, Sadie is the best dog". Here is the update that Emily's Mom sent a few days before, "Hi Jan, Greg and all the volunteers.  Sadie is doing awesome. I think she loves us as much as we love her.  The first day she was restless getting use to her new home, but in the evening she crated up for the night inside and slept all night - not a cry or a whine.  She loves our trail walks in the morning and loves playing with my 10 and 12 year olds. The 2nd day here she curled up for a nap in our family room and I found her sunning herself outside on her back.  Thank you Jan, Greg and our dear friend Bill (who adopted Hank before us and BD after us ) for all the information and helpful tips.  Our girl Sadie is the perfect match for us. We are hoping to visit everyone soon. " Thank you!


Mojo "sit"


Coco is safe!