Ryder Is Adopted!
Ryder now known as Vedder and Morgan
Morgan applied to adopt a companion to accompany her on hiking and camping adventures. A dog that loves to travel, one who was smart, trainable, funny, loving, whom she could form a close bond with. While Morgan had not had a GSP before, she assured us that she had the patience, experience, resources and love to give to an adult dog with energetic and behavior needs.
Ryder had come to us as an owner surrender, as he was uncomfortable around their young children. Even though there weren’t any incidents, they did not feel they could provide the supervision.
Ryder, a 4 year old young and energetic GSP needed a home without children, that could give him plenty of daily exercise and training. Training was a must to continue building his trust, confidence, and responsiveness, and Morgan seemed to possess everything that Ryder needed.
We invited Morgan out to meet Ryder, and they bonded immediately. Ryder found his forever home with Morgan, and is now known as Vedder and he is doing great!
“DNA results are in…equal parts dog, human, cat, clown!
“I’m so fascinated by his behavior and his progress. He’s so smart. He did not seem to know his name from others. So I renamed him Vedder.
I am so fortunate to have Vedder as my constant companion. He has many facets of his personality. He can have the zoomies or just want to cuddle. He is incredibly smart and very empathetic.
We love hiking and went on our first car camping trip. His behavior in public including restaurants is excellent. He brings smiles to everyone he meets. He adores my co-workers. He goes bonkers on days he comes to work with me. Full butt wag hello for everyone.
Mornings are his favorite. He jumps up and down with his front legs, grumbles at me and wags half his body while I’m getting on my shoes for our speed walking.
He is a very sensitive guy. Any new object or deviation from the routine makes him freeze. This sensitivity also makes him very in-tune with human emotions. Two days ago he chose to comfort two of my clients who were worried about their critically ill dog. He would not leave their side. He had an expression and body posture I hadn’t seen before. He was on duty.
Due to all I read and was told before adopting him, I bought a large metal crate. It was not an option for him. While I was at work he threw his head back, howled and rubbed his nose raw. He hasn’t been in the crate since day 2 and has damaged nothing.
I now realize he will never be able to be off leash. His prey drive is too great. This is ok especially with all the dangers on CA trails.
We’ve improved to standing and watching a squirrel go by instead of yanking at end of leash.
He HATES water . Does acrobatics to avoid sprinklers and puddles. However, he does calmly walk in the underwater treadmill when at work with me.
He’s such a joy! I am so grateful.”.
Morgan and Vedder