Rusty Is Safe!

Rusty Safe Not enough good things can be said about the dedicated volunteers that help transport the dogs we rescue from shelters. It's not uncommon to get a call or email wanting to know if you are available to assist in transporting a dog from the shelter to the rescue and then waiting. Waiting because we need to have a transport arranged before we can commit to taking the dog and often the request comes a few days before the dog is available. Of course, we're always happy when the owner is reunited with their pet but are often on alert waiting to see if the dog is available and the transport is on.We were notified about Rusty by a volunteer, Stephen, with another rescue who regularly visits this remote shelter where the adoptions are low. Once Rusty became available, Stephen helped transport him closer to San Diego where GSP Rescue Volunteer Bill picked up Rusty to take him the rest of the way to the Rescue. No doubt Rusty was lucky. Had Stephen not seen him and notified us, his story would have a different ending. However, with Rusty one step closer to his forever home, we're looking forward to sharing the next chapter in his story where everyone lives happily ever after in his forever home.A truly big thanks to Stephen for seeing and notifying us about Rusty as well as Volunteer Bill who patiently waited until Rusty was pulled from the shelter before meeting Stephen. These two volunteers made a difference in one dog's life while several other volunteers see that he gets to his forever home.You can help. Please consider making a small donation to sponsor Rusty while he is in our care waiting to find his forever home.[give_form id="31590"]


Meet Fox!


I don't always buy raffle tickets, but when I do....