Rosie Is Safe!

Rosie, an adult GSP picked up as a stray with several mammary tumors is now safe!Young purebred German Shorthaired Pointers that show up at the shelter as strays are usually claimed. Some in as little as a few hours of being lost, while others might take a few days. Typically if the GSP was left outside, didn't get their normal exercise, and got bored, they will escape their enclosure to explore. Not unusual for a smart athletic breed.When adult, and older, GSPs show up at the shelters, there is a greater concern. Generally, they are not chronic escape artists as the owners have figured out how to better manage their GSP when left alone. While a door or gate could be left open, we are concerned when the adult and older dogs aren't claimed immediately, so we monitor them very carefully. Especially if they have health issues, which leads us to suspect the dogs may not have escaped but were dumped. Another concern is if they go unclaimed for several days.  Knowing that adult and older GSP's are not the most adoptable, and their chances of being euthanized goes up substantially, we keep a close eye on the adults and seniors.We normally make contact with the shelter and start planning early to rescue these dogs. Such was the case with Rosie. She showed up at the shelter and no one came looking for her. Found in an area not too far from the shelter, the shelter would have been an obvious choice to look but no one came. Fortunately, we received several emails. One was from one of the volunteers at the shelter, Rachel, who put us in contact with Nancy, the adoption coordinator/volunteer, at the shelter. We were also notified by one of our volunteers, Carolyn who spotted Rosie at the shelter. Rosie was being kept in an area visible to anyone looking for their lost dog as well as potential adopters. No one came and no one inquired about adopting her. Rosie, in addition to not fitting in with the younger more adoptable dogs, had some large mammary tumors that were visible. A noticeable concern.After she had been held the standard five business days, we knew there was little hope of her being adopted in her current condition. We know from past experience that health issues are a concern to anyone adopting from a shelter and when Nancy from the shelter notified us when she would be made available, we made plans to pick her up. At the same time  we were making plans to pick Rosie up, plans were also being made to take her to see Dr Kang. A few days after being rescued from the shelter, Dr Kang examined her and performed a partial masectomy removing several tumors. Rosie is currently recovering and will be available to meet potential adopters very soon. We would like to thank everyone that notified us about Rosie, and especially Rachel who took the time to put us in contact with Nancy, who we would also like to thank. Rescuing the dogs from the shelters takes time and planning and Nancy was a big help.  If you would like to help with Rosie's Vet bill, please consider making a small donation below.[seamless-donations]


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