Rondo (A4442686) is safe!

One of the worst things that can happen to a dog in the shelter is to get sick. Unfortunately, when dogs are placed in a high stress environment, as a shelter, their immunity systems can weaken increasing the opportunity for them to become ill. Such was the case for Rondo. CA GSP Rescue had been notified that Rondo was in a shelter and had made plans to pull and transport later this week if he wasn't adopted. Plans had to be changed when the shelter notified us that he was sick and if we didn't pick him up they were going to put him to sleep. Yesterday, Rondo made it to safety and one step closer to finding his forever home. Now that he is safe, CA GSP Rescue will evaluate him and see he gets the medical attention he needs. A big THANK YOU goes to Volunteer Linda who was able to re-arrange her schedule to pick up Rondo and transport him to safety.


Sasha gets adopted!


Don't miss GSP Rescue at the Fair!