Rommel is Adopted!

600_7654Not too long ago, fearing we would never be able to find an adopter for Rommel due to a recurring carcinoma, we sent a letter to former adopters, applicants, and those who had previously supported the rescue. We were hoping for a long-term foster willing to care for Rommel and give him the home he so deserved. The response from so many willing to help was heart-warming; restoring faith in our volunteers who so often see the worst of people.While there were many willing and very able to help, former adopters Laura and Michael were chosen for many reasons, and happily came out to the rescue to take Rommel home. While there, Laura spoke to a few of our "failed fosters" - so it was not a big surprise when, after having Rommel in their home for a short while, they contacted us to adopt him!Rommel has been an easy addition to their home, getting along well with both their cat and previously-adopted dog.  He is a mellow, sweet and a well-behaved boy, clearly enjoying the comforts of home and a family again.  Laura and Michael will watch him closely, get him the medical care he needs and, hopefully, will enjoy Rommel for many years to come! 


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Sherman celebrates his "Gotcha day"!