Roger Dog is Adopted!

Roger Dog GSP Rescue AdoptedThis post was scheduled to run several months ago after Roger Dog was adopted. There were plans to include a video showing his time with us as well as possibly with Patti and Scott thanking all the people that helped find his forever home. However, with our constant focus being on dogs that need to be adopted, the video has remained on the to do list. When we recently rescued, Ranger, many of us were reminded of Roger Dog who came from the same shelter after being hit by a car. Not all the dogs we rescue just need forever homes, some need medical attention like Roger Dog and Ranger. We would like to take a moment to thank those individuals that continue to support our efforts by helping us with medical bills we incur when we rescue dogs like Roger Dog. Thank you to all those that donated toward Roger Dogs medical bills as well as his adopters, Patti and Scott.Some months back, we were notified of a GSP mix in a shelter with a possible broken leg. Our volunteers picked him up and he was evaluated by Dr. Kang. The break - and improper healing - were much worse than we thought, but Dr. Kang thought it was repairable. With the outpouring of support from many generous people, we were able to pay for the necessary surgery - and Roger Dog is now enjoying life in his forever home!Roger Dog is now Levi, which means "attached or pledged", and also happens to be the name of the stadium where his new dad's favorite team plays. Levi is loving life playing with "the pointer sisters" (the families two young GSP girls), hiking and running with Mom and Dad, taking dips in the pond out back, and snuggling on the couch.We've had nothing but great reports of Levi's new life, and this wonderful note from his new family: "I can't thank everyone involved in his rescue enough!  He is such a snuggle bug and just the sweetest happiest boy. I am so thrilled how easily he and his sisters adjusted. We feel a huge responsibly to give him the best home ever and make sure he is always properly taken care of. I know there were people who donated to his surgery who sacrificed to help him. I so appreciate that! I wish I could send each person a thank you note!"A big THANK YOU goes out to Patti and Scott, Levi's adopters, all of the volunteers who helped him, and most certainly all of the folks who helped pay for his care!


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