Roger Dog Fundraiser Update

Roger Dog GSP MixWith just 3 days to go, we are just a little over $500 short of our goal to pay Roger Dog's Vet bill, and we need your help!  If we can find 14 individuals willing to donate $50, or 28 individuals to donate $25, or even 50 people to donate just $14, we'll meet our goal.  We have made it easy to help by simply Clicking here to make a donation.  If you are unable to make a donation, please share this post and help us meet our goal.As for Roger Dog, he continues to improve everyday using his injured leg more and more. While he will still draw up the leg from time to time when he is standing, when he's running it's difficult to tell that he had been hit by a car as he runs like a normal dog. We are mindful that he doesn't play too rough and possibly re-injuring his leg. The good news is that he will be available for adoption very soon. We'll be looking for someone that can provide the exercise and continued physical therapy he requires as well as willing to train this incredibly smart dog.Read more about Roger Dog


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Sydney is Safe!