Rocky & Lakota get adopted!

While many people choose a number of ways to celebrate New Years Day, we like the way in which K & Stephanie decided to celebrate... adopt two dogs! Yes, not one but two dogs!Both Lakota and Rocky found their forever home this past January 1st. Lakota and Rocky came in together after their owner could no longer care for them. Now, thanks to K & Stephanie, two amazing individuals with big hearts and lots of love to share, these two will leave the rescue together.Here is an update from K and Stephanie,"Just an update to let you know how things are going with all of us. Rocky and Lacota have been with us almost two weeks now and are adjusting to their new life wonderfully.  Our lives, too, have become so wonderfully complete and full again. A few days of sniffing, sniffing and more sniffing has allowed the dogs to discover that manicured grass, bushes, (oh those wonderful bushes says Rocky) rocks, flowers, sofas and carpeting are really wonderful things! Rocky charged into his new life style like a speeding bullet, Lacota was much more cautious. slowly she has allowed herself to open up and enjoy her new surroundings. her tail is now up all the time and she isn't as fearful or reserved which leads to her now favorite activity; stealing clothes, table cloths, table runners, napkins and towels. we see her handiwork often! …Thank you so much for finding us a great pair of gsp's  that we just love to be with.  After a bit more time and work, we look forward to all our camping, fishing and hiking adventures with two new members of our ‘pack’! ”Our heart felt gratitude for helping us start this new year off right!Pictured here are Rocky & Lakota with K, Stephanie & Schmetzie.


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