Rizo is Adopted!

Rizzo adopted CAGSPRescue GSP DogRizo, an active adult GSP, has found her forever home with previous adopters Sheri, Leroy, James Emily, and their older GSP Tucker.   She has become a valued member of the family, although there were a few bumps while she got used to her new life and family. Her new family has been understanding that perhaps Rizo didn't always have the best people in her life, and are helping her adjust and trust them.Rizo is now Zoey and Sheri tells us, "She sleeps in bed with Emily.  She chases lizards, barks at the new neighbors, squeaks her toy and slides down the hall chasing a ball and this is all before 6:30 every morning.....Dog door, self-feeder and nose up the armpit are skills that have been mastered.  She shakes paws (sometimes), sits, stays and gets down from the counter or table but you can tell she’s in it for the treats." And she must be getting her share of treats as she was looking fit and strong on a recent visit back to the rescue.Dad Leroy hopes to hunt with Zoey, and she certainly shows some strong skills in that area. However, the recent 4th of July holiday confirmed that she is quite afraid of loud noises, so Leroy will work with her - as she clearly enjoys the field and the birds! In the meantime, Zoey has chosen Leroy as her best friend, and Sheri confirms the feeling is mutual, "Zoey loves the dog park.  She has done well meeting other dogs but if she has her choice, she would really rather hang out with Leroy.  When it comes to the park I know my place.  I am allowed to fill the water bowl, haul the treats and toys and if I am lucky, I can hold the door to the gates for her. Speaking of Leroy, she hears his truck pull up and she is sitting by the front door, tail thumping and wagging in circles.  If the rest of the family comes home we’re lucky of she even comes inside from the yard to see who’s here."We are so grateful for adopters who understand a new dog will have some adjusting to do and are willing to work with them. Zoey has her forever home!  


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Onna Is Adopted!