Rigby is Adopted!

imageNone of the volunteers expected to take this picture of this wonderful adoptive family a few Saturdays ago. Dan and Sandra had adopted Greta several years ago and came back to adopt Matti (formerly Missy).  They had planned to adopt a male GSP when they adopted Matti but fell in love with Matti instead. They were thrilled with their complete family and enjoy coming out to let Matti and Greta exercise and do training on frequent Saturdays.  However, this Saturday Pebbles puppies were visiting for appointments and puppies always attract a lot of attention. Dan and Sandra took an immediate liking to Ribgy and after much discussion and making sure this would make a complete family, they adopted Rigby.Since adopting Ribgy (now Auggie) they have been working on social skills between the three dogs, and are reporting that Auggie is a great fit for them and all three dogs, with their guidance, are acclimating well together.The rest is history and we are happy to announce they are looking for Santa hats for Auggie for their family Christmas picture (they already have antlers for Greta and Matti).


Meet Jewel!


Jasper... A new Angel