Rhee Is Safe!

Rhee Is Safe! Even though Rhee's family failed her, the shelter and California GSP Rescue did not. Her family took her to the shelter. They didn't take her to find a new family, they took her to be put down. Her offense? They told the shelter staff she didn't like other dogs and would fight with them. They said she didn't always like small children, so they were giving up on her.When a dog is given up to the shelter by her owner, the shelter has no obligation to hold her or make her available for adoption - even if the owners ask them to. Fortunately for Rhee, this shelter decided to evaluate her. This shelter thought Rhee deserved a chance and believes there are all kinds of homes out there - many of which are perfectly happy to have an "only dog".California GSP Rescue believes the same thing. We know a lot of dogs don't enjoy the company of other dogs. Most often, their people failed to socialize them. Sometimes, they were attacked by another dog and feel defensive. The reasons don't matter. What matters is, there are plenty of families who don't need to socialize their dog. They just want a loving dog to be the "only dog" in their family - to be the object of their affection! An "only dog" isn't a throw away because she can't go to a dog park.So far, Rhee has been quite a lovely addition to the California GSP Rescue.  She seems very responsive to our commands. She rides well in the car. She loves her pets and really enjoyed sniffing the play field - by herself  - but that's okay.  We will get to know more about Rhee in the coming days, but so far, we think she'd make an awesome "only dog". We will work with her on appropriate responses to other dogs on her walks - not a difficult task with a dog this ready to listen.A big thank you to Volunteer Mary and Volunteer Greg, for taking a big part of their day to make sure Rhee made it to the California GSP Rescue!If you would like to continue to support our efforts to rescue GSP's, please donate below.[give_form id="33769"] 


Wyatt Is Adopted!


In Loving Memory Of Rommel