Remi Is Adopted!

We are a little late in announcing it, but Remi is adopted! He's been in his new, and forever, home for about three months now and is "livin' the life" . He's got a new mom, new fence, and a new name - "Finnegan".Finnegan is a lucky guy. Birgit met three great dogs the day she visited the CA GSP Rescue, but Finnegan charmed his way into her heart. He challenged her quite a bit in those first weeks with his wildly-uncontrolled walking technique and his unpredictability with dogs he met. Lucky for Finnegan, Birgit found a trainer to help her with his challenges, and he's getting to go to more and more places as he learns. As for his human, Birgit is learning to understand his body language better, as well as what distracts him, to make his walks more enjoyable. Finnegan is showing Birgit that an 8 year old GSP is not too old to learn new things!Although he still needs a little work on meeting other dogs, people are no problem at all.  She tells us, "He his super friendly to anyone that wants to meet him, especially if they want to play with him and his squeaky toys. Finnegan LOVES squeaky toys, especially his new oversized crocodile! That thing goes where ever we go (although no more car rides for crocodile, he threw it out of the window while waiting for mama to return)."Finnegan may have a few things to learn, but has some qualities that make him easy to have around. Birgit says, "He is an absolutely cutie pie at home, no anxiety when I leave, sleeps like a baby at night, does his business outside (with not a single accident!), mostly listens to me and is even starting to lose interest in the new gate and fences." He is also proving to be a good alarm clock and has learned to squeeze himself under Birgit, pushing her to sit up, and wake up, at his preferred time of 6:30!And, though Birgit tells us, "We really are enjoying each other, there is no doubt that we are a great match.", WE know that a good match takes a little work, and we thank Birgit for putting in the time and effort to give Finnegan a forever home.


Luna Is Adopted!


Meet Ginger!