Remembering Shatzi

Shatzi_P2070172w64Last year Jim and Carol, after having a lump removed from their adopted dog Shatzi, learned that it was Cancer. They did what they could for her including keeping her comfortable and making sure she was loved. Unfortunately, last week they had to say goodbye.Jim writes,"Shatzi was quite a character and we will miss her very much. When I would come home, Shatzi would come running out to greet me and when I leaned over to pet her she would bump noses with me and turn around and run off. She didn't waste time on a long hello. Shatzi liked her walks and rides in the desert. Most of all she liked hanging out with her grandparents (Carol's folks) that are winter visitors from Oregon. Shatzi would go over to their house right after breakfast and stay there a large part of the day. I think they spoiled her. We will miss her very much."While it saddens us to hear about Shatzi, we like to also remember the time she was allowed with her adopters Jim and Carol. Albeit far too short a time, thank you for giving her a loving home.



