Razz is Racing for the Rescues!

IMG952339 (2)Razz is representing the California GSP Rescue at the upcoming Race for the Rescues on November 16th!We had only one dog to choose, but the choice was easy.Razz represents the second chance we feel these wonderful dogs deserve. The dedication of our volunteers to find them a forever home, and the wonderful people who give us financial support. You see, Razz came to us with cancer. He also came to us as an energetic 4 year old GSP;  you know, that hunt-a-lizard, check-on-my people, check-out-what's-in-the-tree, come-back-to-sit-on-your-lap kind of GSP!The cancer, left unchecked, had spread by the time he came to the California GSP Rescue. His first family may have let him down, but the volunteers and financial help we received from people like you, made sure we didn't have to.Dr. Kang performed two separate operations to remove as much cancer as possible.  After time to heal from surgery and put on some weight, Razz was ready to begin 5 separate rounds of chemo. He went through some without issue, but some were hard on him. His foster mom did everything from administer IV fluids to some gourmet cooking to stimulate his appetite. One volunteer brought her fresh caught yellow fin to cook up, and when that no longer interested him, his foster mom found a Rachel Ray recipe for meatballs that he liked! Through it all, he patrolled for lizards and critters every day, followed his foster mom around all day, and enjoyed being curled up on her bed at night.  We knew we were doing the right thing in treating him, as he has a lot of life he still wants to live.We are happy to announce that Razz will be walking (well, probably running!) in the Race for the Rescues on November 16th! Razz has been given his own Fundraising Page as a member of our team.Please consider joining Razz and The California GSP Rescue Team at the Race for the Rescues - or contributing to Razz's Race for all of the wonderful dogs out there that need your help for a second chance! Every little bit helps.  No amount is too small."It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog" ~ Mark TwainVolunteers Teri and John talk about why they are running in the Race for the Rescues and how you can helpJan Flaherty explains how Razz came to California GSP Rescue and his medical conditionVolunteer Steve has more to say about Razz's love for the ball and playing fetchHere is a short video of Volunteer Geoffrey describing how Razz fetchesHere is Volunteer Keith in a short video letting you know more about Razz  


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