Ramp Goes Home!

Ramp_Megan_Chris_Rudder_Gertie_DSC_0017w64Ramp was adopted and returned to us because his previous owners were not able to manage some of his special needs.While back at the rescue, we monitored him closely and made sure he had his medicine and he had no issues.  Our only challenge at that point was finding an adopter that was willing to make the necessary adjustments in their home, and be sure that Ramp got his medicine every day.  Well, that is when Megan came along, and she was exactly the kind of adopter we were looking for!Megan is a Veterinarian and had no reservations about adopting a dog with special needs.  We knew that Ramp would be a great fit for her two dogs, 4 year old GSP Rudder and her 10 year old Coon Hound, Girdy, and also the perfect gentleman to accompany Megan to work every day, as he was friendly with everyone he met, dogs, people and other animals alike.Megan and her husband Chris and their two dogs came out to the rescue to meet Ramp.  After spending some time with him and watching his interaction with their two dogs and everyone in the field, they saw what we saw in this incredibly special guy and took him home.We recently received this wonderful update from Megan..."Ramp, now called Radar has been so much fun! We have had a great week and a half with him, and he fits in so perfectly with the family. He and his new brother Rudder go every where together. We cannot say enough great things about him. We can't believe it has been less than 2 weeks. He is already part of the family and doing so well. Thank you again. The entire process, from application, to meeting the dogs, to taking Radar home was so smooth.  We love our new family member!".Thank you Megan and Chris for seeing all of Ramp's exceptional qualities which outweigh the little extra care required to keep him healthy and happy!Enjoy the rest of your life Radar!  We couldn't be happier for you!


Chase is Safe!


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