Meet Ramp!

Ramp Bubba DSC_3074w64Ramp is a 7 year old male GSP that is sweet and gentle and gets along with all dogs, big and small. He can be active and playing or mellow and snuggling - he's at that perfect age for a GSP!Ramp is the life of the party with the other dogs in the field.  He continually invites the other dogs to play and romp through the field leading chase with a trail of dogs following him.  He is much like Teddy Roosevelt, “the bride at every wedding an the corpse at every funeral”.Ramp takes a daily maintenance medication and will need a special home where someone is often home - he does not have separation anxiety, but does need to be crated when left alone, so we prefer he not be crated while someone is gone all day. He does require a routine, but will reward the right owner with an awesome companion!Ramp is ready to go home!  To learn more about how you can meet Ramp, please complete an application here.


Jasper is Safe!


Jezebel is Safe!