Raj (A4428733) is safe!

Last week we learned about Raj being in a local shelter and monitored his status. Yesterday we received word that he was available. After a few emails & phone calls, arrangements were made to see that Raj made it to safety. Thanks to everyone that notified us that he was in the shelter by contacting us from our website and including his ID number and shelter location - two valuable pieces of information. Thanks to Animal Control Officers Guillermo, Rebecca, Alonzo, & Patricia for communicating with us & providing updates. A big thanks to Volunteer Elizabeth for making herself available on short notice and going to the shelter to pick Raj up. Thanks in advance to those volunteers that will help collect information and share with potential adopters. As you can see, rescuing Raj is something that required the help of many people. If you would like to learn more how you can help CA GSP Rescue, email us about volunteering.


Basil says, "Don't let my age fool you."


Bo walks well on a leash