Pumpkin is adopted!

Suzanne was looking for a companion to join her on her daily runs and become a member of her family.  After a few trips to the rescue to meet a few dogs that we thought would be a good match for Suzanne, there was one more she wanted to meet, and that was Pumpkin.Suzanne saw that special something in Pumpkin that we all did, and it didn't take her long to decide that Pumpkin was the right dog for her.  There was just one thing left to do, and that was to introduce Pumpkin to her parents dog Gunther, to be sure the two got along, since they would be spending a great deal of time together.  The two hit it off great and Suzanne decided to take Pumpkin home.Suzanne reports that Pumpkin (now known as Greta) is doing great!  "She accompanies me on my daily runs, loves to play fetch and is quite the cuddle bug when their isn't a ball around.  She is making fast friends with the neighborhood kids and is doing really well with Gunther."Thank you Suzanne for choosing rescue!  You got yourself a wonderful companion!




Hunter Thomas is safe!