Ptarmigan's History Unfolds

Ptarmegan BallWhen Ptarmigan came to the rescue, we knew very little about him - only that he had lost two owners within about 6 months and some very concerned neighbors knew he needed help to find a new home and family.Since the day they brought him to us, we have been putting together the "Ptarmigan puzzle"! We learned a little more from his owner's son when he provided us with some veterinary records when cleaning out her home.We have also learned a lot about him from the volunteers who took him to two adoption events in the past two weeks, we found out he is very good out in the field with the other dogs, and we were even contacted by the girlfriend of his first owner. She told us that Ptarmigan is a good watch dog with a good warning bark (but no bite!) and that he loved to be chased.Our volunteers at the adoption events tell us that Ptarmigan greeted visitors to our booth enthusiastically and that he seems to love all people, including kids. We know too that he loves fetch and drops the ball perfectly for you.As the Ptarmigan puzzle comes together, we are seeing what an awesome, active, friendly, GREAT dog he is! The last pieces of this puzzle is who will be his forever family - could it be you?If you are interested in adopting this wonderful easy peasy senior guy, please complete an adoption application.


Doc Plays Like a Puppy!

