Ptarmigan... A Friend To All!

Ptarmegan PlaysPtarmigan is an extraordinary male GSP, that is as easy going as they come.  He recently surprised (and dazzled) some of our volunteers who took him for an overnight visit with their pack of 4, and he just fit right in as if they had been together their whole lives.Ptarmigan is so much fun, and LOVES to play fetch, and will bring the ball back and drop it for you to throw again... and again... and again.  He may be 11, but he still has the energy of a young GSP.This phenomenal boy who lost both of his owners, has captured the hearts of children, dogs and adults alike that have met him recently at a couple of adoption events.  Ptarmigan is just waiting for one of those connections to be the one that adopts him and takes him home.Learn more about Ptarmigan's story, and if you are interested in meeting Ptarmigan, and making him a part of your family, please complete an adoption application.


Ebony... Life Is Better With A Friend


Pippin is Adopted!