Poppy is Adopted!

Richard and Ann aPoppy_Richard_Ann_Rachel_Christy_Duffy_DSC_2285w64pplied to GSP Rescue after loosing their beloved GSP. They wanted another female and needed one who could get along with their small dog and their cat.They worked with us and waited patiently for just the right match, which took quite awhile. The wait was worth it, however, because they found Poppy!Richard and Ann tell us that she is quickly becoming a treasured member of the family, and they are working at training her on many commands, which she is learning quickly. As much as Poppy likes showing off what she knows, snuggling with her new dad is her favorite thing.Thanks so much Ann, Richard, Rachel, Christy, and little Duffy for giving Poppy all the love and attention she deserves!


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