Piper is Adopted!

Piper_Birdie_Anne_Danny_DSC_0174w64Anne and Danny had been reviewing our site for a while.  They were waiting to get their own home before bringing a dog into their lives and knew they would provide the exercise, training and a home environment a GSP would thrive in.They met Piper at an event in San Diego and put an application to adopt her right away.  While they were open to meeting other dogs, Piper had definitely won them over between their time with her at the event and meeting her at the rescue.They patiently waited until they were moved in, and then came out to pick up their new family member.  Piper is now Birdie and is getting all of the love and attention she deserves.  Anne feels Piper has already settled into their home and is hoping to bring her by the rescue for a visit.


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Earl knows how to keep cool