Phoenix is Safe!

Phoenix Jim DSC_0202w64A few weeks ago we received an email about a GSP Mix at a shelter outside the area we regularly monitor. Like most notifications, there was little time left for this Senior GSP  - the next day was his last day. The photos attached to the email were studied trying to determine if he was a purebred GSP, GSP Mix, or another breed entirely. Since stray dogs don't carry their papers, it's the policy of most shelters to list the dogs as Mixes and it isn't uncommon for dogs to be incorrectly classified by breed by someone at the shelter. We often see other breeds incorrectly classified as GSPs as well as purebred GSPs labeled another breed. Working from just a few photos with very little detail of anything other than the head, it was determined that he was either a purebred GSP or a GSP Mix.Not being near the shelter, we relied on the help of fellow Rescuer Fred to pull and hold this GSP, later to be named Phoenix, while transportation could be arranged. Keep in mind, we had less than 24 hours to see Phoenix was safe - not quite enough time to arrange transportation. Once arrangements had been made to pull Phoenix, we began working on the transport. Fortunately, out of the few emails sent, Volunteer Jim quickly answered back he was available to assist to bring him the last leg while Fred had enlisted the assistance of a Kyle to transport Phoenix to Jim.  Several days later, Phoenix was able to make his way to California GSP Rescue and a little closer to his forever home.Rescuing Phoenix in the amount of time he had left could not have been done without the help of Fred, Kyle, & Jim. We appreciate their assistance in helping save Phoenix.A real short note about rescuing GSP Mixes. While our focus remains on purebred GSPs we will occasionally take in a GSP Mix. Sometimes it is because we do not have the resources or time to determine if a dog is purebred GSP before a commitment needs to be made but feel confident we can find them a forever home based on the available information. While we cannot rescue all the GSP Mixes, we are willing to help rescue and place these amazing animals when resources are available.Check back on our website, as we will bring you more about Phoenix as we get to know him. 


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