Pete's (Peanut) Foster Journal - Day 5

Pete is finally coming out of this shell and now I see the true GSP in him.  He's lively and full of spirit especially walking around the regional park, and gets very excited when he sees the ducks, squirrels and birds.  Awhhh if he could just chase them... life would be perfect!  But we'll need to work on the recall command first.  Walking on a leash is much easier now that he's learned not to pull.  He likes to meet other dogs but is mostly interested in the people walking them.At home he's a perfect gentleman.  Not interested in digging, not interested in jumping fences, not interested in smaller dogs (don't know about cats yet).  Pete's only interest is human affection. Once he put his paws on the counter while I was making a pastrami sandwich (who can resist pastrami?) but after a firm NO he never did it again.I believe he's house trained.  I have been home with him so we've had no accidents in the house and when he needs to go out he simply sits by the sliding door until I open it for him.  At night he sleeps in his crate.  I have to coax him in with a treat, he barks for about 30 seconds and then settles down for the night -- zzzzzzzzz!To read more about Pete (Peanut) click here.


Dog of the Week - Willow


Dog of the Week – Willow