Pepper is adopted!

Diane and Jim adopted a shy and fearful young dog last year from GSP Rescue. They have made great strides with him, but felt he would do even better with another canine companion.They returned to us looking for just the right match for Duke and lucky Pepper (now Rosie) was perfect for Duke, and the rest of the family.They sent us this recent update, "a more perfect girl we couldn't get. She has done wonders for Duke already. It is so cute.... She likes to groom Duke and he seems to love it!  I've taken them both off leash at the Christmas tree lot and Duke has never been easier to leash up. He trots right over when she does...Amazing!!Pictured is Rosie (aka Pepper) with her new family Jim, Diane, Joanna, & Duke. Thank you Diane and Jim for coming back to GSP Rescue and adopting such a great dog! 


Whitney is adopted!


Minnie's Progress - Week 4