PeeDee is Adopted!

PeeDee_Jim_Marty_DSC_0185w64Jim and Marty are long term GSP owners.  It is their favorite breed (we like that in an adopter).  They came out a couple of times to meet specific dogs that could be a fit for them.  They ended up adopting a lovable girl named PeeDee knowing a bit about her background.Peedee had been an outdoor dog and Jim and Marty have taken her home to incorporate her into their home and their indoor life (as well as some nice walks and outdoor activities).  They have quickly worked her through potty training and have taught her that furniture is not for standing on top of :)  Despite some of the retraining they have done they can't help but notice that PeeDee is a snuggly girl that likes to sit ON Jim and Marty as much as possible.  She has proved to be a loving wonderful indoor pet for them and is living the life she should have always lived.We are again grateful and humbled by another wonderful family that has taken on a wonderful dog that, while not difficult, needed a person to guide her through indoor manners so she could live out her life with her people as the breed was meant to do.


Combo is Adopted!


Meet Daisy!