Peedee is a Keeper!

Peedee has adjusted well to her new lifPeedee relaxinge with Jim and Marty.  They converted her to an indoor dog which she took to immediately.  She goes for two walks per day, two play times per day, and some time to sleep and hunt the back yard in between. Peedee spends her days barking at squirrels , chasing birds and her favorite thing  - napping in the sun.They work diligently on leash training and, true to the GSP leash "style" she is a challenge but wants to please.  She still pulls but she sits now at the corner - even if somewhat reluctantly.    She goes to dog parks and comes when called (well...mostly when she feels like it).As you can read from these milestones Marty and Jim are diligently working with Peedee on all of the skills she will need to be successful in her forever home.


Emma has a Sleepover!


Chase is Safe!