Peanut's Foster Journal: Day 2 George Clooney?

PeanutDay two... Peanut does not seem like a suitable name for this handsome guy.  So we decided to call him Pete.
He settled in our house quite nicely and then nervously perused every corner of the back yard but so far no interest in going over the fence. He's quite calm with my 15 lb. white poodle.  She tolerates him so far but only because he's gentle with her (actually he's not interested in her at all) so it looks like Pete will be very good with smaller animals.
Last night we went for a short walk, initially he did not walk well on a leash, tugging and pulling the entire time.   I'm sure he was nervous since this was his first day at our house.   However this morning we really worked on the walking skills on a long walk around the park.  He's getting the hang of it and not pulling quite as hard - he's a quick learner, even with all the distractions of the ducks, dogs and even the local High School girls' track team running laps around the lake.
Pete caught the attention of several ladies at the park, they remarked about the graying around his snout... they said he was handsome, just like George Clooney.
Tomorrow we'll work on our recall command... not sure who is going to train whom, but we'll give it a shot.
Here he's pictured on my couch and just to clarify, he was INVITED to come up!
To read more about Peanut click here.

Coco gets adopted


Harvey Foster Journal: 3rd week