Patches is Adopted!

Patches adopted CAGSPRESCUEPatches Is Adopted! Tony, Doug and their Chocolate Laborador, Maddie are previous adopters.  A few years ago they adopted Leroy, a wonderful German Shorthaired Pointer, whom they loved very much, and enjoyed him for the short two years they had him.  Leroy passed away far too young from cancer, but Doug and Tony knew they wanted to rescue another dog.They came out to meet a couple of dogs, and Patches seemed to have the energy and temperament that they were looking for, but wanted to be sure that Patches would get along with their Maddie.  After all, the dogs' temperament is important in any adoption.  All went well with the meet and greet, and they took Patches home.They have had Patches in their home for a while now, and while they have had to potty train him, all is going well and they've updated us that Patches who they have renamed Monty, is a perfect fit for their home.We appreciate great adopters such as Doug, Tony and Maddie, and for coming back to us to add another to their family again.Patches has been adopted, but we have more dogs still waiting for their forever homes. Take a look here at the dogs that are available for adoption.


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