Orion - Part of the Family

Orion sitting safely in his doggy seatbelt and enjoying the ride! Blazer was one of 6 puppies that came into the rescue with his GSP mom, Missy last summer. He is now "Orion" and loving life in his forever home! We were so happy to receive some great photos and this update from his forever family:"Though we've only had him for a few months it seems like he's always been part of the family! Orion just turned 6 months old at the end of December and we've been keeping busy helping him adjust to his new home and to the world in general. We've had him enrolled in a puppy kindergarten class and though he was initially shy with the other puppies, he's now become outgoing and even rowdy! In two weeks he'll be  moving on to basic obedience classes. He's very quick to catch on to things and already knows most of the basic commands so I think he'll be a star student! We've also been taking him to our other dog Emma's agility classes - he really enjoys watching the other dogs run and just hanging out - and at home he loves to practice running through Emma's agility tunnel. He's quite athletic (despite his puppy clumsiness) so we're hoping to get him set up in agility classes when he's fully grown.He's been a breeze to house train and crate train, in fact he's come to love his crate and will often put himself to bed... Most recently we took Orion and Emma for a weekend stay with Brian's parents  over the Thanksgiving holidays, and we just got back from a week long trip visiting family in the bay area. He's wonderful in the car and was great on the longer road trip. He loves meeting new people and did a great job with all of the new homes and pets he was exposed to. He also recently had his first trip to the beach. He was not so sure about the waves crashing on the beach, but enjoyed investigating and splashing in the tide pools! Attached are a few recent photos of Orion and the rest of the family. He loves to snuggle and his favorite morning activity is to curl up on someone's lap. He's quite the lapdog, though he's growing so quickly, I'm not sure how long he'll still be able to fit!We're grateful to the rescue for finding such a wonderful dog for us, and for taking such good care of him in the interim."[portfolio_slideshow slideheight=400] 


Meet Buck!


Chloe is Adopted!