Opal's Bucket List

Opal Penny dsc_0021w64Opal's Bucket ListNo, I’m not dying.  I’ll say it again… I’m. Not. Dying.  (A lady doesn’t like to disclose her age, but if you must know, I’m only 11.)  But there are things I want to do, and I’m tired of waiting.  My previous life fell apart when my owners divorced.  I didn’t deserve to lose my home, but now I’m doing my very best to find the perfect new owner because I’ve got some great years left in me.  I charm all the rescue visitors with my sweet face and personality, but so far no one has chosen me.  The younger, faster, prettier dogs seem to have the advantage.  But if you ask anyone who knows me they’ll say I’m special too - I’m wise, friendly, trained, and a perfect FitBit companion because I wear my “walking shoes” 24/7!!I started on my bucket list.  Even though I’m well cared for as a foster dog, I can’t do any of these things without an owner… so I need your help!!

  • Buy a bright pink collar with my name on it - a girl likes to look good
  • Play on the beach -  I hear that kelp is full of fascinating smells
  • Hit the coffee shop with my owner on Saturday morning.  I might even eat a bite of your bagel if you toss one to me!
  • Pick the best seat in the car and hang my wet nose out the window
  • Protect my house from the mailman!  (just kidding, the mailman is gonna love me)
  • Utilize my counseling skills to cheer up my human after a rough day
  • Be listed on the Adopted Dogs page like so many of my friends have been

If you are willing to take on a friend with a bucket list, please come and meet me!  I can be packed and ready to go on very short notice.  You won’t regret it!Learn more about Opal here!If you are interested in meeting this Gem of a GSP, please apply here.


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