Opal Is Adopted!

Opal_adoptionWe are so, so happy to announce that Opal is adopted!  Opal was actually adopted many years ago as a young dog by a family who was seemingly just right for her. Unfortunately, several children and several years later, there was a divorce and a move to a condo and there wasn't any room in their lives for sweet Opal any more. Luckily for Opal, there was room in our founder's home and Jan brought her in to foster. A small tumor was removed from her mammary gland - with an excellent prognosis, thankfully - and Opal was ready for adoption again!Although we get far more applications than we have dogs here at GSP Rescue, not many are for seniors. (If only everyone knew the secret about how special it is to adopt a senior dog, that would change of course!) So, Opal waited for quite a while to be noticed. She became a favorite with volunteers as she is so very affectionate and has such an outgoing personality! Jan also found out that Opal can talk! She would respond to questions asked of her and would make sure to announce her favorite visitors to the rescue!Then, along came former adopter Jackie. She needed a cat-tolerant dog that would not challenge her existing dog or be aggressive with the family's desert tortoises. We had seen Opal around cats, and she didn't seem to mind them much, but we certainly weren't sure about how she would do with tortoises! So, our volunteer took Opal on a drive to meet some desert tortoises!  In true Opal fashion, she was interested in the yard, wanted some pets, and didn't seem to even notice their were other dogs - or tortoises - around! Although her interest was piqued by the cat walking around the room, she was easily distracted and could be moved away from the cat with ease, so Jackie felt, given time, Opal would realize the cats were part of the family too! So, Opal found her new home!We have many thanks and appreciation for Jackie, realizing how wonderful it is to bring a senior into her home, and for being willing to work with the cat relations. We wish them many happy years together!


Kahlua Is Adopted!


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