One Dog's Legacy Benefiting Rescue

dsc_9677-2This is a story of how one dog's legacy, fueled by his inspiration to touch others, gives back to Rescue.About Forrest...Forrest was a 12 year old German Shorthaired Pointer who had an incredible spirit and a huge zest for life. He was also a dog of two of our volunteers, John and Teri who never hindered his spirit, but fueled it."In the summer of 2014, Forrest developed a disease of degeneration of the spine called Canine Degenerative Myelopathy also known as DM. Forrest began losing the ability to walk on his back legs and wasn't able to get up on his own as the disease took over. Other than a couple of legs that didn't work so well, Forrest was a very healthy boy, and loved to play with balls and toys, take trips to the beach and participate with play time with his sisters.We explored other options to help Forrest, and found a company that made wheelchairs for dogs. We ordered one, and Forrest took to it immediately. From that day forward, Forrest' wheels allowed him to be able to continue to be a dog, enjoying walks to the park to run and play, trips to the beach to feel the sand and the water on his paws and sniff the ocean breeze.Forrest was not in pain when he was diagnosed with DM, which is why this completely made sense! The first time we took Forrest to the beach with his wheels, we were amazed by how many people came up to us that told us they had wished they had known about a wheelchair for their dogs that could no longer walk, as they thought their only option was to put their dog down. That was the day we decided to start Run, Forrest, Run. A Facebook page where we could make people aware that they have other options other than euthanasia when their dogs can no longer walk. We had no idea that Forrest would touch and inspire so many.Forrest joined the California GSP Rescue Team, and walked with us in the Race For The Rescues event in Orange County, and was our top fundraiser! early 2015 Forrest began showing signs of some dementia, and was getting confused, but he was still full of energy and showed no sign of slowing down. As the months went by, he began to start losing the ability to use his front legs, so we bought front wheels for his cart to help him continue to walk and run. In March of 2015, we celebrated Forrest' 13th birthday. By early May of 2015, Forrest' body was declining and atrophy was setting in and he was getting weaker, and was getting tired, but this boy never wanted to give up. We watched him close and noted that the bad days were outweighing the good days, and we painfully had to make the decision what was best for Forrest. Sadly, on May 21st, 2015, Forrest surrounded by his family, peacefully passed away...Forrest inspired and changed the lives for people and dogs all over the world that never met him. He made it possible for other dogs suffering from similar symptoms to receive their own carts.We are so grateful we had one more year with Forrest. His wheels gave him the independence he needed to still be a dog. Forrest NEVER gave up...After Forrest passed away, John and Teri set up a memorial at the beach where they used to take Forrest. Read more here.Teri and John started a Facebook Page to help bring awareness to those who's dogs may be experiencing similar symptoms, to let them know there are other options rather than euthanasia when their dogs become disabled.They also decided to do something more. To give back to rescue, by creating a "Team Forrest Gear" clothing line and calendars which 100% of the proceeds going to the California GSP Rescue.We are happy to announce that now through September 27th, they are once again offering "Team Forrest Gear" benefiting the California GSP Rescue. The proceeds from each sale will benefit to help offset costs for the ongoing medical costs and supplies for the dogs in our care now and for those that come through our door in the future."We are so humbled by all those who continue to follow Forrest's Facebook Page and for the support we have received to help give back to rescue. We can't thank you enough for loving Forrest, and for receiving him into your hearts. ~ John and Teri"If Love Could Have Saved You, You Would Have Lived Forever"


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